Capri Maddox Event
Meeting the Moment:
A Conversation with Capri Maddox, Executive Director
Department of Civil and Human Rights for the City of Los Angeles
February 26, 2021
As Angelenos work to understand and address the ways in which racism and inequality are embedded in our institutions and in the allocation of societal benefits like housing, education, jobs, and the environment, perhaps the most important question facing our city is how to effect meaningful change.
In February 2020, Capri Maddox was appointed as the first Executive Director of the newly-established Los Angeles Department of Civil and Human Rights (CHRD). The department is tasked with addressing, investigating, and enforcing regulations in response to complaints of discrimination in four broad areas – education, employment, housing, and private commerce – through implementation of the L.A. Civil and Human Rights Ordinance. The department also works alongside the City’s Chief Equity Officer, Brenda Shockley, to assess racial disparities in City employment and contracting and to help inform policy priorities, in addition to working with private sector companies through the RENEW Task Force.
Join us, on the anniversary of Ms. Maddox’s first year on the job, for a conversation on some of the most important civil rights issues facing our city.
Demetra Thornton, AIA, NOMA
Senior Associate & Studio Director, Gensler
City of Los Angeles RENEW Task Force Member
Capri Maddox, Esq.
Executive Director
City of Los Angeles Department of Civil and Human Rights
Westside Mayors Forum 2021
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
WUF is pleased to welcome Westside Mayors for the annual Mayors Forum! This is a Westside Urban Forum signature event that brings together the Westside Mayors for a candid discussion of each Mayor’s priorities for 2021, the land use policy issues of importance to each city, and provides the opportunity to understand the different ways in which these unique cities are responding to current issues in what is already another extraordinary year!
In 2021, our Mayors will be faced with a myriad of issues, including the central conflict of land use and social and racial equity, police reform, and housing and homelessness - all within an environment of shrinking budgets resulting from the pandemic. To begin to address these complex matters, what are the cities’ near-term responses to retail spaces left vacant by the pandemic? How are cities going to change as a result of the pandemic and what temporary COVID policies would the Mayors like to see adopted permanently (such as encouraging telecommuting to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, greater diversity in housing typologies and private outdoor space, growing park space for all community members, or allowing outdoor dining to remain permanently)? How are the cities working to address structural racial and social injustices in land use and government agencies’ operations? What measures are cities considering to address police reform and community mental health? What is the outlook for public transit and the extension of the Purple Line Subway? And what does all of this mean for the cities’ plans to address climate change?
Join us to hear directly from the decision makers on these and other topics as we consider land use policy on the Westside in 2021.
Mayor Lester Friedman, City of Beverly Hills
Mayor Alex Fisch, City of Culver City
Mayor Sue Himmelrich, City of Santa Monica
Mayor Lindsey Horvath, City of West Hollywood
Andrea Batista Schlesinger, Managing Partner, HR&A Advisors, Inc.
How to Ensure That Development Benefits Minority Communities
October 28, 2020
In Los Angeles, with its long history of redlining and other racist land use policies, minority communities sorely need new real estate development. However, new development may be fraught with risks for both communities and developers. Numerous questions arise, such as who defines and weighs the community needs relative to the development opportunities? What are the real effects of “revitalization” on low-income and minority neighborhoods? How can developers and community members work together to ensure redevelopment addresses the needs of existing residents?
A supercharged real estate market has made the process of answering these questions much more complicated and the stakes higher. Developers must answer to investors seeking a financial return, and yet they must also listen and respond to the specific needs of the community, lest they motivate a backlash that torpedoes their project altogether. For communities, on the other hand, a major development may feel like a hostile takeover with the threat of gentrification and displacement.
Much of the above is currently playing out on in the areas around Crenshaw Boulevard, with the pending arrival of the new Crenshaw/LAX light rail. What would equitable redevelopment in this area look like? And more generally, what have we learned about the complex challenges in redressing the structural racism that historically and currently drives urban inequities for people of color?
Vanessa Delgado,
President, Azure Development, Inc.
Donahue Peebles III
Development Executive, The Peebles Corporation
Ben Caldwell
Founder, Kaos Network and Leimert Park Art Walk
John Heath
President, United Homeowners’ Association II
Executive Director, New Life Economic Development, Inc.
Derek Fleming
Managing Partner, of MSDG, LLC
Senior Advisor, HR&A Advisors, Inc.
Dr. Belinda Allen
Executive Director, West Angeles Community Development Corporation
Will the Updated California Building Code Foster Sustainable Development?
Friday, September 20, 2019
The 2019 California Building Code goes into effect January 1, 2020. Cities across the Westside and the State are analyzing the new legislation, adopting amendments or “reach codes” to supplement the State Code in order to encourage new buildings to use less energy and water, as well as incorporate better construction practices. Meanwhile green building programs such as LEED Certification, Fitwel Certification, and the Living Building Challenge are on the rise. Developers, architects and engineers are developing creative and innovative approaches to implement sustainable design features, materials, and building systems within the constraints of the various codes. But the question remains: do new processes and requirements create bridges to sustainable development - or layer on more obstacles creating barriers to such development?
What additional tools, code upgrades, and systems are now available to green leaders in Los Angeles to keep moving toward sustainable design and operations? How should we solve roadblocks—technological constraints, long permitting and approval processes, budget limitations (design, development, materials, and operational budgets), and limited information about proven techniques—that inhibit the potential for innovation?
This month, WUF brings together a panel of professionals who collaborate on buildings that use less energy and water, adapt to a changing climate, and abandon fossil fuels. This ’Green Team’ will share lessons learned and help us uncover what policies can—and should—be implemented to speed up the process of adapting to our precarious future.
Mariam Mojdehi, AIA, LEED AP, Senior Associate, Frederick Fisher & Partners
Andy Reilman, Managing Principal, Integral Group
Osama Younan, Executive Officer, LA Department of Building and Safety
Natalie Allan Teear, Vice President, Sustainability and Social Impact, Hudson Pacific Properties
Ted Flanigan, CEO, Ecomotion
A Green New Deal for Los Angeles
Friday, July 19, 2019
The original New Deal was designed to bring the United States out of economic torpor and into the modern era. It was implemented at a time when California was an outpost and a refuge, when the Dust Bowl brought desperate migrants to its shores. Today, California has one of the most robust economies in the world. But it -- along with the rest of the world -- is facing a climate emergency whose magnitude dwarfs that of the Dust Bowl.
Into this crisis steps the City of Los Angeles. While a Green New Deal may have little chance of passage in today's Congress, Los Angeles is taking matters into its own hands. Building on the Sustainable City pLAn of 2015, Mayor Eric Garcetti has proposed a range of initiatives, including increasing use of renewable energy, creating hundreds of thousands of "green jobs," and planting tens of thousands of trees to make the city cleaner, greener, and even more economically vibrant. It may call on developers to build more densely, commuters to wean themselves from gas-powered vehicles, and everyone to adapt to low-carbon lifestyles.
This month at WUF, we will discuss the land-use implications of this proposal and debate its efficacy and viability: How realistic are these goals? What will they demand of developers, planners, and other land-use stakeholders? Is it a bold initiative to catalyze an era of green economic growth -- or too little too late?
This program is presented in collaboration with the UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies.
Evelyn Blumenberg, Director of Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies; Professor of Urban Planning, UCLA
Lauren Faber, Chief Sustainability Officer, Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti
Susana Reyes, Vice President, National Sierra Club Board of Directors (2017-2019)
David Abel, Chair, VerdeXchange
2019 Westside Prize
Friday, June 19, 2019
Congestion Pricing on the Westside and Beyond
Friday, May 17, 2019
Even as the Los Angeles area has invested billions of dollars in public transit, traffic congestion has only worsened, especially on the jobs-rich Westside. Now, Los Angeles officials are turning to a solution that economists and some planners have advocated for years: congestion pricing. Used in overseas cities including Singapore and London, congestion pricing has gotten a chilly reception in the United States. It is now getting serious consideration, though, and the Westside may turn out to be Ground Zero in the congestion pricing revolution -- for better or worse.
The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) recently released the first of many studies evaluating congestion pricing in a 4.3 square mile area of West LA and Santa Monica, just west of the 405 and north of the 10. They found that it could significantly cut down traffic jams and commute times. $4 -- the price of a latte -- seems to be the right price to cut commute times by 20%.
For professionals commuting to Silicon Beach and Century City, that latte could be a smart investment. But for blue-collar workers who often travel the longest distances and make relatively little money, congestion pricing could be an undue burden, no matter how much it improves the commute.
Is congestion pricing a planner’s fantasy or is it the real solution that LA—including the Westside—needs?
Kim Christensen, Land Use Chairperson, West of Westwood Homeowners Association
Michael Manville, Associate Professor of Urban Planning, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
Tham Nguyen, Metro Office of Extraordinary Innovation
Asiyahola Sankara, Organizing & Outreach Program Manager, Act LA
Carter Rubin, Mobility and Climate Advocate, Natural Resources Defense Council
Burning Down and Building Up: Wildfires and Resiliency
Friday, April 19, 2019
Last year, The Woolsey Fire incinerated tens of thousands of mountainous acres between Malibu and Thousand Oaks, destroying homes, businesses, and habitat.
Rebuilding and recovery efforts are often the immediate focus, and tough questions that need to be asked are deferred and then never addressed. Should we rebuild in high-risk areas? If the answer is yes, how should we rebuild smarter?
Beyond pure planning and building code considerations, there are also thornier issues of economic equity and public policy to be addressed. Fires have a documented gentrifying effect, forcing those without significant means to sell their land and move elsewhere, while those who can afford to rebuild remain, often supported by insurance policies that underprice the true risks and costs of living in the vulnerable urban-wildlands interface.
This panel proposes a candid dialogue on how we can support a balanced approach to development on the urban fringe, and what will be required to align this approach with the environmental realities of a warming climate and continued population growth in Southern California.
Bonnie Blue, Planning Director, City of Malibu
Joshua H. Haffner, Attorney, Haffner Law (specializing in insurance claims from property damage)
Chief Anthony C. Marrone or Chief Jon O'Brien, Los Angeles County Fire Department
Malcolm V. Williams, Senior Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation
Jacob Margolis, KPCC science reporter and host of the popular podcast, The Big One
Westside Real Estate Roundup: Is the Westside Still Hot?
Friday, March 15, 2019
For most of recent memory, the Westside has been one of the hottest markets for both commercial and residential real estate. Major developments, from Century City to the Water Garden to Playa Vista anchored the office market, while home values rose steadily. There was a time when seemingly everyone wanted to be on the Westside, and everyone wanted to develop on the Westside.
Today, the Westside remains desirable -- and pricey -- but what does the future hold?
News of the Westside Pavilion being transformed into a tech campus for Google has everyone talking, but it also brings to the forefront a number of tricky issues for the region. Development is curtailed by shortage of land and zoning restrictions. Office tenants have rediscovered downtown Los Angeles and other business centers, and even startups seeking the hip environs of Silicon Beach have found that it's more trouble than it's worth. Please join WUF in March to discuss what this moment means for the Westside. We'll get insights from development, brokerage, and the public sector to find out whether the Westside will ever be hot again -- or whether it even wants to be.
Patrick Amos, Senior Vice President, CBRE
Will Cipes, Vice President of Development for Southern California, Carmel Partners
William Chun, Deputy Mayor of Economic Development, City of Los Angeles
Tom Wulf, Executive Vice President, Lowe Enterprises
Judith Taylor, Partner, HR&A Advisors
Westside Mayors Panel: Governance in Times of Prosperity
Friday, February 15, 2019
California, Los Angeles, and the Westside in particular have enjoyed an incredible run of prosperity over the past few years. That run won't necessarily end soon, but sentiments around the state point to this year as an inflection point. If we don't make progress on housing, homelessness, budgets, and responses to climate change, we may discover that we've missed our chance. Meanwhile, advances that may have seemed far off -- such as autonomous vehicles, "smart city" technologies, and even flying cars -- are becoming increasingly more realistic.
This month at WUF, we will gather the mayors of four Westside Cities -- Beverly Hills, Culver City, Santa Monica, and West Hollywood -- to ask them to describe the mood in the region and in their cities and find out what they are doing to make the most of this moment. We will discuss budgets, development, transportation and traffic, technology, homelessness and social services, and the relationship between cities and Sacramento and D.C. The mayors will review their goals halfway through this fiscal year, and discuss their visions for how their respective cities fit into the culture, economy, and built environment of the greater Los Angeles area. And we'll ask how they intend to plan for an economic downtown, if and when it arrives. Please join us for WUF's signature winter event!
Dr. Julian Gold, Mayor of Beverly Hills
Gleam Davis, Mayor of Santa Monica
John Duran, Mayor of West Hollywood
Thomas Aujero Small, Mayor of Culver City
Amy E. Freilich, Partner, Armbruster Goldsmith & Delvac LLP