Many Vacancies: L.A.'s Tourism and Hospitality Industry after the Pandemic

Many Vacancies: L.A.'s Tourism and Hospitality Industry after the Pandemic 

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, one of the most immediate and obvious economic casualties was that of the hospitality industry. Nearly overnight, tens of thousands of hotel rooms in Los Angeles went dark. Conferences, weddings, and other gatherings -- which we would now identify as super-spreader events -- got cancelled. Airlines grounded their planes and flew many of them nearly empty. While Los Angeles's economy is diverse, hospitality typically contributes over $35 billion to the county’s economy and provides many working-class jobs. Moreover, it is a crucial element of the city's identity and, not insignificantly, a major source of revenue for local cities. 

As vaccination levels increase and restrictions begin to loosen throughout Los Angeles and Southern California, WUF convenes a panel of industry experts to discuss how hotels have (or have not) fared during the pandemic and what the future of tourism, conferences, and hospitality may look like in L.A.



Wednesday, May 19th: 12-1pm on Zoom



Adam Burke, President & Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles Tourism & Convention Board

Phillip Barnes, General Manager, Fairmont Century Plaza and Regional VP, Fairmont Hotels

Ramin Kolahi, Principal, Lighthouse Investments, LLC

Garrick Brown, Managing Director of Western Region Research, Newmark

Amy Horwath, Manager, Transaction Real Estate & Hospitality - EY


Additionally, thanks to the generosity of our annual Sponsors, WUF has a small number of free tickets available to members of the community.  If you are not able to join as a member or purchase a ticket for this month's panel presentation, but would like to join us, please write us at info@westsideurbanforum to inquire if we have any remaining sponsor provided tickets.

May 19, 2021 at 12:00pm - 1pm
Zoom Webinar
Suzi Paine · · 310-283-2423

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