Friday, November 16, 2018
Los Angeles is known as the entertainment capital of the world, the traffic capital of the world and, as of recently, the app-enabled electric scooter capital of the world. Ever since Bird scooters appeared suddenly on the streets and sidewalks of the Westside about a year ago, Angelenos have been both baffled and inspired by them. Following the "disruptive" business models of other tech firms, scooter companies have deployed without permission in many cities and only recently have agreed to abide by regulations and conduct pilot projects.
Fans contend that they -- along with dockless bicycles -- may be a crucial part of the solution to the perennial "first mile, last mile" problem. Critics see them as dangerous, illegal toys that clog up streets and sidewalks. As Westside cities get serious about regulating, promoting, and, in some cases, banning scooters, WUF will discuss their pros and cons. And we will explore the ways transportation planners, scooter companies, and even developers are trying to make the most of this revolution in personal transportation.
Tim Harter
Senior Manager
Government Relations at Bird
Joshua L. Schank
Chief Innovation Officer
Los Angeles County Metro
Ryan Smith
Executive VP - Investments
Hackman Capital
Francie Stefan
Chief Mobility Officer/Assistant Director of Planning
City of Santa Monica
Patrick Sisson
Senior Reporter